Embroidered Hoops are beautiful to look at and easy to make. You can display them in your home for a handmade touch. They make great gifts too. The fun part about embroidery is you can draw your own designs, and choose your own colors and stitches. In fact, the whole process is therapeutic from the beginning till the end!
Embroidery is a great hobby to have, it’s very relaxing. There is just something about working with a needle and thread to create something beautiful with your hands. It is very satisfying and basically, it’s like painting with thread!
I love all things art and craft. In fact, I have a full blog post about 10 fun Hobbies to do at home, and embroidery is one of them. Check it out if you would like some ideas on how to spend your time creatively.

My Inspiration:
My love for embroidery was rekindled after I joined a free workshop by Julie, creator of Clever Poppy. She is a wonderful person and the workshop was a lot of fun, her pattern is adorable. It is called Bunny Blooms. She was so involved with the group and her skills are amazing. I highly recommend her workshops if you are new to embroidery, she is a fantastic teacher.
Julie has a Maker’s Academy where you could join for a monthly membership and she teaches embroidery, punch needle, weaving, etc. You can visit her website to see her beautiful work and learn more about what she offers.
After this workshop, I just started doing embroidery on my own and couldn’t stop! I have just loved creating more embroidered hoops. A big thank you to Julie for inspiring me and so many other women to take the time to be creative.
So I thought I should write about it, and hopefully inspire a few people to start their journey with embroidery! I assure you, that you will love it!
What do you need to start Embroidery?
Embroidery Floss ( I have a combination of DMC Floss and some floss I found on Amazon )
Embroidery Hoops ( You can find hoops at your local craft store. I found mine at Hobby Lobby and Micheals) The hoops I used are mostly 6 inches and 8 inches, the one pictured above is 3 inches as I only had that one left at the time of taking this picture.
Heat erasable pen or Water Soluble Pen ( I found a water-soluble pen at Micheals )
Magnetic Needle Minder (optional but very helpful) (An alternative is putting a magnet on your scissors so your needles will always be with the scissors, that’s what I have done)
Needle threader (optional but helpful)
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How do you start your Embroidery Hoop?
The first thing is deciding on your design. There are lots of free patterns to start with. You could even design your very own pattern if you like to draw!
Here are a few websites where you can find free patterns:

Diana Vingert has a You tube channel and you can stitch along with her. She has some beautiful free patterns including the one that you see above. You can find her free patterns here.

The above pattern is free and can be found on PamashDesigns.com
Next, you decide on the size of hoop you need, which of course depends on your pattern. The most common are 6-inch and 8-inch hoops.
There are many options when it comes to hoops. There are different sizes and shapes. Also, you get hoops made out of wood, bamboo, plastic, etc.
So it is your preference that matters.
The cloth or material you use is really important. The most common and recommended material is cotton or linen.
Cut your cloth a little bigger than the size of your hoop.
Pattern transfer:
Trace your pattern onto a piece of paper the same size as your hoop. (This is how I did it.)
Or print out a free pattern and cut it down to the size of the hoop
Cut out your pattern. Stick the paper to the underneath of the hoop with tape. Using a pen, transfer the pattern onto the cloth. It will be easier if you hold it up against a light. I used a water-soluble pen for all my designs.
Another method is using carbon paper or a heat-erasable pen.

Choosing your color palette:
Once the pattern is traced or drawn, it’s time to choose your colors of floss.

Picking the right colors makes all the difference! I am no expert at this and I am still learning. I sometimes just go with the colors suggested by the pattern creator.
Finally the most exciting part – Starting your Embroidery!
Start stitching your design!
You can use your own stitches, there are so many different types. The most common ones are backstitch, lazy daisy, chain stitch, satin stitch, stem stitch, woven rose, and french knots.
However, there are many more that you can learn as you go along. It is all about practice!
If you are new to embroidery, For basic embroidery stitches you can watch this video by DIY Stitching.
The above free pattern is from Sublime Stitching, you have to sign up with your email address and you get a password to get free patterns. For this one, I stitched it differently than the original.
Finishing your embroidery hoop:
Once you are finished stitching your design. You have to erase any visible masks made by the pen. In my case, since I used a water-soluble pen, I just sprinkled water wherever I could see the marks, and they just disappeared like magic! If you use a heat erasable pen, just use a hair dryer to make the marks go away.
After that is done, the last step is making sure the extra fabric on the back is taken care of. For that, all you need to do is, thread a needle with some thread ( I used strong thread that you use with a sewing machine), tie a knot at one end, and make a series of running stitches all around the edge of the fabric. When you are done, pull the thread so all the fabric gets bunched together at the back of the hoop, end with a knot, and cut off the extra thread.
If you would like to go the extra mile, you could cut a round piece of fabric or sturdy paper and place it on the back of the hoop to hide the back of your work. Do this before you do the running stitch, so it is secure.
That’s it! Now you can display your work proudly or give it as a gift!
Here are a few YouTube channels to help you on your journey:
I follow some incredible women on Instagram, if you are on Instagram, do check them out:
Clever Poppy
Matryoshka Doll Shop
Flynn and Mabel
Diana Vingert
Bek’s Stitches
Hope you enjoyed reading this post, I hope you do get inspired to start your journey in this art with all its amazing benefits. Take some time for yourself to create a masterpiece or many masterpieces!
Do share your finished projects on Instagram or Facebook if you can. Lovetostayhome is on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram. Please follow me @lovetostayhomeblog to know when I have a new post out. Also, you can comment below, I love hearing from you.
Here are some other easy DIY projects that you might like:
DIY Decorative Macrame Jars/Vases
DIY Paper Boxes and Felt Baskets for Organizing!
Thank you for your support of my blog. I am grateful to you for being here.
Have a wonderfully creative week!
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay