2 Houseplants that you can multiply for free are Pothos and Lucky Bamboo. Of course, there are many more that can be propagated but I am sharing with you the two that I have succeeded with.
Do you love houseplants? I have always loved having houseplants, but struggled for years to keep most of them alive! It was either too much water, too much sun, too little water, not enough sun. But I have not given up and wanted to share with you 2 of my success stories!!
Everyone likes the idea of having plants without spending money! So propagating your existing plants is the easiest way of multiplying your plants without spending a dime.
I have tried and tested propagating these plants and have had great results. So I just had to share my success with multiplying these 2 plants.
You are guaranteed to see at least these 2 plants in my house!
Another thing that I wanted to share is that with house plants, sometimes you find the most annoying part is the tiny little flies( Fungus Gnats) They just multiply like crazy and it’s really hard to get rid of them. I have researched all sorts of ways to get rid of them and have tried lots of products, but the only product that has worked is called Mosquito Bits, I heard about it on a gardening youtube channel. You just have to sprinkle it in your pots., and you can be sure you will not see these pesky insects again!
Pothos ( also known as money plant)
The perfect place to have this plant is in the bathroom, the humid conditions make it thrive. It does not need direct sunlight. It is also a great plant to purify the air in your house. However, this plant can survive anywhere in your home where it gets some indirect sunlight.
It is not a very fussy plant either, so you can water it once every 4 or 5 days, or when the soil is dry.
If you do not have a pothos plant, to begin with, you can get one at any gardening store or on Amazon
Or if you really don’t wish to spend any money, ask a relative or friend for a cutting!!
How to Propagate Pothos:
The best part about propagating this beauty is that every leaf can be used to grow new roots and become a new plant. The root nodes on the stem are present right below each leaf.
To propagate, Using sharp scissors cut off about 6 inches of the stem with leaves. Remove the leaf closest to the base, place the stem in a jar or vase of water.
If you want to have many new plants cut a long piece of the stem with many leaves and then you cut each leaf making sure to cut below the root node. Put all these leaves in water, making sure the nodes are submerged.
I have mine in a glass vase as I love seeing these plants in water. Change the water every 2 weeks.
This can be transferred to the soil once the roots start appearing, but I have it in water as I love the look of it in water.

Bamboo- ( Lucky Bamboo)
Bamboo plant cuttings grow really fast! In literally a few days to a week, you will see roots popping out! The lucky bamboo grows in spirals. But it is important to note that your cutting will not grow that way, it will just grow straight up. This is an easy plant to take of as it needs watering just once every 15 days or so. Also, it thrives in indirect sunlight. It is a beautiful ornamental plant which is also considered lucky in some cultures.. hence the name!
You can find Lucky Bamboo in any gardening center or on Amazon
How to Propagate Lucky Bamboo:
Take a healthy cutting off of the mother plant, it should have at least one leaf joint. Put the cutting in a glass vase with some pebbles and water. In a few days, you should see little roots appearing.
Change the water every 12 days or so. I usually wash the vase and pebbles and the plant as well to prevent any sliminess from forming. Keep this plant in a well-lit area but not in direct sunlight.
I have both these cuttings in glass vases.

Watch this video by Sadia of PickupLimes to learn more about Plant Propagation
Her website and YouTube channel are great resources for learning about a Plant-Based Lifestyle and Plant Care.
Thanks for reading and do share your plant propagation success stories with me! I would love to hear from you!
(This post contains affiliate links which means if you buy the products that I recommend, I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please note that I only recommend products that I love and use myself. Thank you for your support.)
Hello Nandini
Loved the Nan bread – tried it and it was amazing! Will definitely try to propogate the Pothos next!
Love your blog!
Thank you so much, Hira! I am glad you tried and liked the naan bread. Sure do try propagating the pothos. Appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment!